Missing Edgemont Spirit?
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Prior to the pandemic, Edgemont pep rallies really exemplified the spirit of our student body.
Jillian Zolot
- Mar 8, 2021
The Future of AP Tests
Imagine this: you haul yourself out of bed at 5 a.m. and drive one hour to a testing location; once there, you struggle to keep your eyes...
Sammy Richter
- Mar 7, 2021
The Dark Side of Amazon
Where can you buy 10 outfits, an orange desk, a pillow with Michael Scott’s face on it, a blow up squirrel, and binge watch “The Real...
Evan Ho
- Mar 5, 2021
Pandemic For The Elderly
As we’ve continued to live through the pandemic, it has become evident that the burdens of COVID have weighed much heavier on the elderly...
William Shah
- Mar 1, 2021
Why This Super Bowl is More Special Than The Rest
Every football fan's favorite day of the year is Super Bowl Sunday, but this year was a little special. We all know that this year looked...
Avantika Singh
- Mar 1, 2021
"The Hill We Climb": Amanda Gorman's Stunning Inaugural Poem
On January 20th, 2021, Amanda Gorman, a 22 year-old Black woman from Los Angeles, became the youngest poet to perform at a presidential...
Taylan Tastan
- Feb 6, 2021
Why is TikTok so Addictive?
Over the past year and a half, TikTok has become increasingly popular and its use has grown exponentially among teenagers. More than 90%...
Sammy Richter
- Feb 6, 2021
Why We Shouldn't Downplay the Capitol Riot
The fragility of our democratic system was made very clear by the Capitol Riot on January 6th.
Zoe Schuldrenfrei
- Dec 26, 2020
The Negative of Celebrities Partying Covid
In order to end this pandemic, we need to wear our masks, stay six feet apart, and so should celebrities.
Anuj Jain
- Dec 26, 2020
Can Progressive Policies Save America from Increased Unemployment?
Under the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic, millions are out of jobs. An estimated 60 million people filed for unemployment this year alone....
Ben Kirsch
- Dec 26, 2020
The Best Test Quest
With assessments now due at 11:00 PM, open notebooks, and zero scantrons in sight, it’s safe to say that testing has changed a lot this...
Jasmine Rao and Jillian Zolot
- Dec 26, 2020
Cyber Monday and Fast Fashion
Fast fashion, or inexpensive clothing produced rapidly by mass-market retailers in response to the latest trends, harms our environment.
Nishta Nandakumar
- Dec 26, 2020
Brandon Bernard & the Death Penalty
Brandon Bernard’s execution has shocked many. Despite last minute requests to save him pouring in from citizens like us, the Supreme...
Sammy Richter
- Dec 26, 2020
Unintended Consequences of Poorly Named Reform Movements
Slogans and their carefully selected words have the power to unite groups or successfully advertise their cause and its urgency to millions.
Taylan Tastan & Chris Yang
- Dec 3, 2020
The Reality of Online School
You wake up at 8 A.M. on a Monday morning. Your bedroom is a mess. You slouch out of bed, grab your computer and keep your head pointed at t
Dani Brinberg
- Dec 3, 2020
The Thanksgiving Controversy
Thanksgiving is a staple American holiday, and it is a great tradition for many reasons.
Nishta Nandakumar
- Nov 6, 2020
The Electoral College: What Is It and Why Is It a Problem?
Now, more than ever, it is imperative that America looks to a different process for electing our presidents.
Justin Friedberg
- Oct 9, 2020
Defend or Defund
Defund the police! The rallying cry that not only spread to seemingly every corner of America, but to every corner of the world.
Ben Kirsch
- Oct 9, 2020
The Highs and Lows of Hybrid
Whether you attend class according to the AM, PM, full day, or completely remote class schedule, your situation definitely feels different.
Amanda Jaffe
- Oct 9, 2020
The Implications of a System Without Standardized Tests
The question we should ask: What we can do to even the playing field that will not unduly harm either students or colleges?
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