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  • Jason Chen and Shiv Sibal

The Art of Sleeping

Your brain is firing on all cylinders, grinding Bedwars with the gang. The beds are destroyed, and it is a 1 on 1 with the opposition. All you have to do is hit the perfect clutch, TNT jump, spam left click, and hit the other guy until he gets knocked off the cliff. You engage but soon realize that the enemy has an auto clicker. The words “You Died” pop up on your screen, and the sound of desks being slammed and teammates yelling ring in your ears. But at last, you say optimistically, “Don’t worry bro—we’ll win the next one.”

It’s 1:27 a.m. You just remembered about that assignment due the day after the break and your eyes are feeling a tad bit heavy. What do you need? Sleep? What an important skill. It's critical for students because we have to figure out the least possible amount of sleep for us to function correctly or at all.

However, many things throw off this delicate balance that we cherish, especially over break. When you’re on break, and you don’t have school tomorrow, you feel defenseless against the temptation to queue up for that extra game and ignore that upcoming assignment.

Anyhow, breaks from school are a time to relax. However, they can be too relaxing, in that it becomes hard to return to school after a holiday. You want another break to make up for the initial break.

That may seem like an outrageous idea, but hear me out. Sleep schedules inevitably devolve whenever there is a break. Instead of operating on a normal sleep schedule, people go to bed later and wake up later. It is hard to recover immediately from such an outrageously irresponsible timetable.

Another break will give your body plenty of time to recover from the first break. Some wrongheaded skeptic will surely whine that we probably would waste that additional break and continue with our atrocious sleep schedule.

So, to solve this problem, you can go to sleep early on the last day of break. But then an unwanted reminder sneaks into your mind: you have an assignment due at 8:25 a.m. tomorrow. Do you go to bed early and jump-start a new, healthier routine, or do you finish work? I guess some problems just cannot be resolved, and the issue of teenage sleep is certainly one of them.

It is crushing when the first week after the break you are bombarded with test after test.. It is quite the adjustment, when just a few days ago at this time, you would be dozing in bed surrounded by nothing but darkness and a nice warm blanket.

Now you must awake at what many insist is a reasonable hour, and you didn’t even get to eat breakfast because you fell off your bed at 8:10. A test right before Late Lunch is calling your name and taunting you. That empty stomach is growling and you can’t seem to concentrate on this grueling exam.

But, you power through, barely awake. You come out of the classroom, stumbling around trying to get your feet to work. Surely you can sleep when you get home. Surely tomorrow will be a lighter day.

But now you have another test on deck. Your brain finally decides to be productive and save those extra minutes of sleep. Sleep early today and wake up early tomorrow to study when your brain is fully charged.

After crawling into that soft and comfortable bed, you lie awake for hours. The Bedwars caused your body to adjust to sleeping at 4:30 a.m. Finally, you fall into a light slumber, but your duck alarm interrupts your dream. While closing your eyes, you decide to get ten more minutes of rest. Then, you remember you have to study for that test.

As you sit down to study, you count the days until the weekend arrives. Only two more days. Only two more days of pain and then you can recover. You can finally get some much-needed sleep.

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