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  • Alexis Berry

The Elective Olympics

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 2024 Quarter Three Physical Education Elective Olympics! The upcoming electives compete for different titles, and you, the reader, first see the offerings this coming quarter. We’ll give awards to highlight each of the electives’ strengths so you can know which one to choose. Freshman pay attention, as you can’t sign out of P.E.. I must give a shoutout to Mrs. Saracino, who supplied us with the information that we’ll be using in this article.

Let’s start strong with an experienced teacher, an engaging activity, and the winner of the “Most Upbeat” elective: dance with Mrs. Schaare! In this course, you’ll be going from learning the basics to doing choreography (according to Ms. Scaricino). Prepare for a class that will have you feeling peppy throughout the day. Mrs. Schaare’s credentials are stacked, as she is the Dance Club’s advisor. Dance Club is known for its fun vibe, and we are sure Mrs. Schaare will carry that over to this elective. If you want a class that will boost your mood, dance is perfect for you.

Next up, we are met with one of our most unique topics, adventure games, which won our “Most Versatile” Elective” title! Adventure Games, taught by Mrs. Saracino, features quite a variety of activities. If you take this course, you’ll be climbing, participating in group bonding activities, and more, while still maintaining the aspects of basic physical fitness. You’ll be kept on your toes, as you can go into class not knowing what exactly to expect. People who have taken this course in the past have raved about it, saying, “It covers all of the aspects of what you think adventure games would be. It’s really fun.” This is the ideal elective for people who are looking to add some variety to their.

Next up lies our winner of the “Most Functional Elective” title, basketball, taught by Mr. Moses! If you play basketball, you definitely know Mr. Moses’s approach to the sport; he’s the coach for Edgemont Varsity Basketball. However, this elective allows him to disseminate his knowledge in the sport to anyone no matter the capabilities. After talking to him, we really got a sense of how impactful this elective could be. He discussed how he wanted this elective to allow people of any skill level to be able to play a pick-up game. He plans to teach some vocabulary of the sport while keeping it fun by incorporating some sort of game at the end of each class. If you’re looking to pick up a new social activity with friends, basketball is perfect for you.

Last but not least we have the winner of our “Most Rewarding Elective” title, volleyball, taught by Mr. Orza. If you weren’t on the Girl’s Modified Volleyball Team, you might not know that Mr. Orza is an excellent volleyball coach, but after you take this course, you will know this for sure. Volleyball is a fast-paced sport that’s easy to pick up and taking this class with a dynamic and patient teacher like Mr. Orza will help you become a better volleyball player. Fun to play with friends and fun to play by yourself— volleyball stands as a solid choice.

Overall, the quarter three P.E. electives were winners across the board. No matter which one you choose, you’ll have a great time, as all of them promote bonding with your friends and your classmates. We can’t wait to see how students react to these electives in quarter three.

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